Court-Ordered Payments and Adjustments



Court-Ordered Payments (Assessments)



Court-ordered payments, also known as assessments, generally fall into one of three categories: costs/fees, fines, or restitution.


       Costs/Fees are legally mandated assessments that are enforced on a state or county basis. These include fees for emergency medical services, offender supervision programs, victim witness services, and other public programs and expenditures.

       Fines represent monies that a court is statutorily permitted to assess to a defendant based on the conviction of specific offenses.

       Restitution represents any court-ordered compensation to a crime victim that is paid by the responsible defendants(s). Restitution is not ordered on every case, but it can represent a significant percentage of the assessed monies on any particular case.


Two additional factors affect the court-ordered payment totals appearing on the dashboards. First, if a court-ordered assessment is ever cancelled for any reason (i.e. clerical error), an offsetting amount is subtracted from the overall total to balance the original charge. Second, monies associated to bail and escrow are not considered assessments and are excluded from dashboard totals.








An adjustment is applied in any situation, except cancellations, where an existing assessment amount is altered. This increase or decrease often occurs as a result of a court order.