
Traffic citations in Pennsylvania

News Article

July 29, 2016

Data collected by the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts shows more than 5.6 million total traffic violations were issued in Pennsylvania from 2012 through 2015. That is an average of 3,876 traffic tickets per day, with speeding tickets being the number one summary traffic violation. Last year, one in 10 drivers received a traffic citation.

The infographic below highlights key information about traffic citations in Pennsylvania. Download a high-resolution version of the graphic.



PA Courts InfoShare is a bi-weekly product of the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts (AOPC) that visually highlights the work of the courts with interesting data and statistics obtained through the judiciary’s case management systems, interactive dashboards and other research. Reproduction is permissible with source cited.


Media contact: Kimberly Bathgate, 717-231-3331

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